Chimp's FXor

by dave hooper


It's pretty much a Ring Modulator. A couple of differences mean that, in operation, it isn't quite the same.


What's new

Release 1.0
  • Initial release
  • Usage

    P a r a m e t e r s

    Depth From 0 to 128 - where 0 means 'no effect' and 1 means '100% effect'. This just controls the mix at the output of the dry and wet signals. (I am not sure if this is the correct operation of a Ring Modulator's depth control; anyone able to advise?)
    Rate Frequency of the internal signal that is ring-modulated with the input signal, from 1 Hz to 10 kHz
    Waveform Waveform of the above signal; 0 is a pure triangular waveform, 1 is a pure square waveform. Expect future release to provide additional waveform choice!


    There's a demo 'song' included, just to demonstrate that the FXor can actually operate as a ring modulator. Future releases will feature additional choices of algorithm used to generate the output signal, based on alternative fuzzy logic, to generate a wider variety of effects.


    If you like and use Chimp's plugins, you can register them by sending any amount of cash (in any currency) to the following address

    dave hooper
    2a corringway fleet
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    Contact Information

    Author dave hooper - paranoia consultant with spc
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